Sunday, May 24, 2015

Williamsburg to Mechanicsville May 21, 2015

Thursday, May 21, 2015.  Found a bicycle shop about a mile from the motel, but had to wait until 10:00 am for it to open.  Conte's Bike Shop opened in this area in 1957.  Easy to remember.  That was the year I graduated from High School.  It's raining pretty good now as it will all day, but I'm prepared for it.  Just a good hard drizzle.  Makes riding enjoyable.

John Lawlor fixed the problem and now it's rolling good as new.

Met Doug in the shop while John was working on my bike.  He was looking over the mountain bikes.  That's his forte.  He said they have some really nice biking trails through the woods nearby. He just has to ride on the street less than a mile and he's on a nice trail.

 Might have stopped to take a picture of the plantation itself, but it was about five miles out of my way.  That's five out and five back.

 I look at this picture again and I can just smell that clean air after a rain.

 This is the light at the end of the tunnel.

 A bridge over part of the Chesapeake Bay water drainage system.  That's what the sign said.

Another plantation coming up.

 This is where I got stranded.  Nine o'clock at night, raining, I'm cold and hungry, and still ten miles from the nearest motel and not in the mood to sleep under the stars, even if I could see any thru the clouds.  So, I called Earl Greenwood's sister, Janet Nicklaus, as I was going to stay at their house.  Earl's wife, Susi works at SSRC where my office is and that's how this was arranged.  Well, she came and rescued me and got me to their house.  It was about midnight before I closed my eyes for some needed sleep.


  1. Nice scenery pics. Thanks.

  2. Im so grateful for the nice people who are helping you out!
