Monday, June 24, 2013

West Yellowstone to Campground in Yellowstone

June 20, 2013 Day 13 Riding Day 20 of Trip.
     Had to wait for the bike shop to open so I could get the gears tuned up.  They work perfect now.  Ate a huge breakfast while waiting for bike.  It is sooooo cold.  I put my thermals on.  Looked like it could rain, but it didn't.      
     Hello Wyoming.  Goodbye Montana.  Montana, you are a beautiful state.
     Got to a campground just before the climb up to the first pass over the Continental Divide a little after 8:00 pm.  I was too cold to eat dinner and I didn't want to attract any bears with the smell of food.  I was the only person in the campground.
     I pitched my tent and crawled into my bedroll, but I couldn't get to sleep because I was so cold.  Again it was a night of many catnaps, tossing and turning.  I don't think I got more than three hours of sleep.
     I may have even been hallucinating during the night.  I would open my eyes and against the moonlit sky I  could see big spiders crawling up the outside of the tent.  Amazing what the imagination can do.
     I double bagged all my food in ziplock baggies and had my bear spray within easy reach.

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