Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sunday in Wytheville May 31, 2015

Was able to make contact with an LDS church member in wytheville, Bruce Failor, who picked me up at my motel and took me to church about 10 miles away in Max Meadow.  While there I met several people who had connections with Mesa, AZ. Met Ray Kohl who served with Robert and Mae Flake in the Guatemala Temple.  The Flakes lived about three houses from me at one time.  Also, met John Woods and his wife.  They lived near Taylor Junior High for a few years.  Wilford Cardon was John's Mission President in Brazil.  Wilford is my cousin.  Also, met Dr. Rudge Hiatt's nephew.  Dr. Hiatt was a prominent surgeon in Mesa.  He performed a surgery on my father years ago.

This is Abe and Marsha Griffin.  Abe is from Kentucky and Marsha is from Phoenix.  She attended Maryville High School and Spitalny Elementary School.  Spitalny is in the same school district with Andalucia Elementary.  Andalucia is where I began my teaching career in 1963.

This was Ward Conference Sunday and a Linger Longer Sunday.  After meetings they have a pot luck  dinner and the members linger and socialize in the Cultural Hall.  It was a great meal as pot lucks usually are.

1 comment:

  1. I think we ned to adapt these potluck traditions back in AZ! So glad there are kind people feeding you along the way :)
